Record mondial pour Matisse chez Christie's New York
L'Odalisque, harmonie bleue (detail), painted in 1937 by Henri Matisse, realized $33.6 million. © Christie's Images Ltd. 2007
NEW YORK.- The auction of Impressionist and Modern Art staged at Christie’s New York yesterday evening realized $394,977,200, the second highest total ever achieved in fine art auctioneering and second to Christie’s Evening Sale of Impressionist and Modern Art held exactly one year ago, which included the fabled Bloch-Bauer Klimts and totaled $491 million. The pre-sale total estimate for the sale was $350/480 million. The sale was 85% sold by value and 81% by lot. Buyers were 48.5% American, 24% European, 3% Asian, 1.5% Russian, 1.5% Latin American and 21.5% others.
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