Important Old Master Paintings Auction at Sotheby’s Milan
Raffaello de' Carli o Capponi, detto Raffaellino del Garbo, (Firenze 1466 ?-1524), Madonna col Bambino e San Giovannino, San Gerolamo e San Francesco, diametro 87 cm., oil on panel, Stima: € 100.000-150.000. © Sotheby's Images.
MILAN, ITALY.-Sotheby’s to hold Important Old Master Paintings Auction at Sotheby’s Milan. On Tuesday, November 20, a selection of paintings on view at 10-13. Some fine examples of paintings by Italian Schools from 14th to 16th century are highlighted by a small group of Florentine 15th century panels. Among which is an unpublished Madonna col Bambino e quattro angeli musicanti. It is a small sized panel (47x35 cm.) attributed for the first time in 1969 to one of the masters of Florentine early Renaissance, ‘lo Scheggia’ – Giovanni di Ser Giovanni Guidi, the younger brother of Masaccio. The origin of his nickname is not clear, maybe from his slender figure or from his skilfulness in wood carving.
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