Tazza with Old Testament scenes, 1571, Limoges
Tazza with Old Testament scenes, 1571, Limoges. Grisaille and gold painting, Material: copper & glass flux and metal oxides & Gold. Height: 16.0 - Width: 19.0. Ident.Nr. K 5028. Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin © Photo: Kunstgewerbemuseum der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz.
The vessel was composed of three parts. Dark shimmering ground enamel, modeling in bright white highlights. . Contours and internal drawing mostly herausgekratz in enlevage technique, thin Rotlavierungen in the incarnate
verse Moses strikes water from the rock (Exodus 17, 1: On the bottom of the cup, upside down, an episode from the Book of Genesis of the Old Testament is reproduced -6). The shape of the shell and the fact that the main scenes are on the bottom and here on the head, make it likely that it is likely to have originally acted on this "shell" to a cover which has been remounted later.
The display goes back to woodcut illustrations Bernard Solomon in different to the mid-16th century, published in Lyon illustrated editions of the Bible. The groups of cherubs on the walk back to an engraving result of the Argonauts, designed by Léonard Thiry and engraved by René Boyvin (RD 39-64). Like the Old Testament story of the manna blessing in the desert is the source miracles - bread and water for God's chosen people - a significant ornament for tableware.