15 février 2016
Johann Heinrich Köhler (-1736), Small jewelry altar with St. Joseph
Johann Heinrich Köhler (-1736), Small jewelry altar with St. Joseph. Coral work: probably Trapani (Sicily); Goldsmith version: Dresden, 1729 - 1732. Coral, silver, gilt, enamel, gems, 30.1 x 18.1 x 10.5 cm. Inventory number: VI 28. Green Vault © Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden 2016
In a niche-like architecture, crowned by three vases with jeweled, enameled flowers, presents itself under a halo with the image of Our Lady of St. Joseph of Nazareth. He is represented in ancient costume and holding in his left arm the Christ Child. The back of the small house altar adorned with a finely engraved illustration of John of Nepomuk (1345-1393), which is shown as a martyr with palm leaf and crucifix. Due to its 1729 made canonization he enjoyed at that time very popular. In any case, both John and also Joseph to Maria Josepha, the pious daughter of Augustus the Strong, particularly revered saints included. The figure of St. Joseph, the Madonna relief, the small busts and other decorative elements are carved out of coral and probably from Italy, where the artistic processing of this fascinating natural material had reached its greatest importance. A center was located in the Sicilian town of Trapani, whose products can be found today in numerous European collections. The restrained decorated with gold, enamel and precious stones version of gilded silver represents the late style Johann Heinrich Köhler. The jeweler sold the small altar for the considerable sum of 1,000 thalers to August the Strong, who handed him on February 11, 1732 at the Green Vault.