AR PAB at London Art Week 2017
Dirck Barendsz (1534 - 1592) - (attributed), Allegory of America, 16th century, ca.1580. Teak, mother-of-pearl and bras spins (plate), and oil painting (painting), 42.7 x 42.7 cm. AR PAB © 2017 London Art Week
AR PAB. Leading art dealers in furniture and objets d'art related to the Age of Discovery, namely 16th to early 18th century works of art linked with the Portuguese Seaborne Empire. We have thus specialised in objects made for export and under Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch and, to a lesser extent, also English commission in Asia and the Americas; works of art from West Africa, India, Ceylon (SriLanka), China, South east Asia and Japan. Member of APA (Associação Portuguesa de Antiquários, the Portuguese antique dealers' association), CINOA (Confederation Internationale des Negociants en Oeuvres d'Art), and SNA (Syndicat National des Antiquaires, France). Address in Lisbon: Rua D. Pedro V, 69 1250/093 Lisboa - Portugal Address in Paris: 19, Rue de Beaune 75007 Paris - France.
Contact information: Álvaro Roquette / Pedro Aguiar-Branco / - AR (+33) 6733129165 / PAB (+351) 932416590 -
Address of Exhibition: c/o 6 Ryder Street, London, SW1Y 6QB
London Art Week - 30 June – 7 July 2017