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12th dynasty
24 janvier 2020

GALERIE EBERWEIN, Stand 24c at BRAFA, 26 janvier-2 février 2020

GALERIE EBERWEIN, Stand 24c at BRAFA, 26 janvier-2 février 2020
Hippopotamus, Egypt, Middle Kingdom, 2050-1780 BC. Indurated limestone (probably from near Esna), 2.7 x 5.8 cm. © Galerie Eberwein. Provenance: private collection, Germany, acquired between 1954 and 1959 in Egypt. Shabti for Nesy-Khonsu, Supreme Chief...
1 août 2019

Exhibition of Globe-spanning Art Celebrates the Collecting Eye of Curator and Scholar Gillett Griffin

Exhibition of Globe-spanning Art Celebrates the Collecting Eye of Curator and Scholar Gillett Griffin
Xochipala, Guerrero, Mexico, Standing woman, 400 B.C.–500 A.D. Ceramic with red pigment. Princeton University Art Museum. Bequest of Gillett G. Griffin. John Bigelow Taylor Photography. PRINCETON, N.J. – Gillett G. Griffin (1928-2016) was not only a respected...