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28 août 2013

Barite, Cuprite, Malachite, Alabandite, Copper, Calcite, Chalcotrichite, Sulfur, Gypsum

Barite, Cuprite, Malachite, Alabandite, Copper, Calcite, Chalcotrichite, Sulfur, Gypsum
Native Sulfur inclusions inside and atop Gypsum crystals. From the Gaurdak Sulfur Dept., Chardzhou, Lebap Province, Turkmenistan. Measures 8 cm by 7.5 cm by 7 cm in total size. Native Copper wires inside a Calcite vug colored by Chalcotrichite (Cuprite)....
28 juillet 2013

Corundum, Wulfenite, Mimetite, Barite, Amber, Zoisite,

Corundum, Wulfenite, Mimetite, Barite, Amber, Zoisite,
Zoisite var. Tanzanite Green Dominican Amber Wulfenite, Mimetite and Barite - Arizona Corundum
20 mai 2013

Vanadinite crystals on blades of Barite

Vanadinite crystals on blades of Barite
Vanadinite crystals on blades of Barite
5 avril 2013

Orpiment on Barite

Orpiment on Barite
Orpiment on Barite
6 septembre 2012

Barite and Marcasite / Lubin Glowny Mine, Poland

Barite and Marcasite / Lubin Glowny Mine, Poland
Barite and Marcasite / Lubin Glowny Mine, Poland
2 septembre 2012

Marcasite with Calcite and Barite on Fluorite / Italy

Marcasite with Calcite and Barite on Fluorite / Italy
Marcasite with Calcite and Barite on Fluorite / Italy
13 août 2012

Barite with Dolomite

Barite with Dolomite
Barite with Dolomite