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morgan library
26 septembre 2011

"David, Delacroix, and Revolutionary France: Drawings from the Louvre" @ the Morgan Library

"David, Delacroix, and Revolutionary France: Drawings from the Louvre" @ the Morgan Library
Hippolyte Flandrin (1809–1864), Double Self-Portrait of Hippolyte and Paul Flandrin, 1835. Graphite Musée du Louvre. Réunion des Musées Nationaux / Art Resource, NY. Photo: Michèle Bellot NEW YORK, NY.- This fall The Morgan Library & Museum hosts an exhibition...
25 janvier 2010

'Flemish Illumination in the Era of Catherine of Cleves' @ the Morgan Library

'Flemish Illumination in the Era of Catherine of Cleves' @ the Morgan Library
"All Martyrs", 'Da Costa Hours', in Latin, Belgium, Ghent, ca. 1515. Illuminated by Simon Bening. The Morgan Library & Museum; MS M.399, fol. 295v NEW YORK, NY.- The fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries saw the last great flowering of Flemish illumination....
10 août 2009

"Rococo and Revolution: Eighteenth-Century French Drawings" @ the Morgan Library and Museum

"Rococo and Revolution: Eighteenth-Century French Drawings" @ the Morgan Library and Museum
NEW YORK, NY.- Few eras in French history witnessed the same degree of radical social and political changes as those of the eighteenth century. The efflorescence of the ancient régime and its eventual downfall provide the backdrop to a period of remarkable...
19 juin 2009

Over 120 Van Gogh Letters Will Be On View at Van Gogh Museum's Rietveld Building

Over 120 Van Gogh Letters Will Be On View at Van Gogh Museum's Rietveld Building
Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890), Small pear tree in blossom, 1888, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation AMSTERDAM.-Over 120 rarely exhibited letters by and to Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) will be on show Landmark exhibition to celebrate...