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25 février 2010

Picasso Portrait Among Four Works Promised to North Carolina Museum of Art


Pablo Picasso, "Seated Woman, Red and Yellow Background", 1952, enamel on composition board, 49 3/16 x 31 7/8 inches. Promised gift of Mr. and Mrs. Julian H. Robertson, Jr. ©2010 Estate of Pablo Picasso / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

_BT5p1TQBGk___KGrHgoH_DMEjlLluysEBKK7lRUQVg___12RALEIGH, NC.- Lawrence J. Wheeler, Director, North Carolina Museum of Art, today announced a promised gift to the Museum from the collection of Josie and Julian Robertson, of New York. The gift includes four paintings by important European Impressionist and modern artists. In addition to Picasso’s "Seated Woman, Red and Yellow Background" (1952), they are "The Bridge at Moret on an April Morning" (1888), by Alfred Sisley; "The Bridge at Poissy" (1905), by Maurice de Vlaminck; and "Fishing Boat" (Red Sky) (1916), by Emil Nolde. The first of the promised works to be on public view will be Picasso’s superb portrait of his lover Françoise Gilot, which will be installed in the Museum’s new building when it opens on April 24.

1Dr. Wheeler states, “The North Carolina Museum of Art is elated to receive this generous promised gift from the Robertsons. These works, by major School of Paris painters, will both fill a gap in and beautifully complement the Museum’s collection, enabling it to present more fully the story of the birth of modern art.”

02_giovanni_da_ponteJulian Robertson, a native of Salisbury, NC, and a graduate of the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, adds, “I grew up in North Carolina, graduated from the University of North Carolina, and continue to have deep ties to the state. Josie and I are thrilled to know that North Carolinians will get to know and enjoy these pictures as much as we have.”

Picasso’s visually complex, expressive portrait of Gilot was painted at the end of their turbulent relationship. Gilot sits in a studio chair, hand cradling her chin, eyes wandering. But within the rectangle of the painting, she remains very much Picasso’s subject, the pretext for a virtuosic performance of the artist’s compositional and technical brilliance.

“While the North Carolina Museum of Art is known for its strong group of modern German paintings, it never had comparable School of Paris works,” notes John Coffey, the Museum’s Deputy Director for Art. “The promised gift of these wonderful pictures ensures that the Museum will have a solid representation of French modernists, including the exceptionally vivid portrait by Picasso—the first work by this artist to enter the Museum’s collection.”

La véritable mission de l 'artiste doit être spirituelle -(2)<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Rouault :"Malheur de l'homme sans Dieu" sa conception de la vie<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Manessier : parlant de 'Église : Quand on l 'aura dépouillée de tout le su­perflu il restera l 'essentiel "<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Réaliser comment un Rouault ou un Manessier sont fidèles à leur mis­sion spirituelle est déjà un acte de foi dans chaque enchantement de leur toile .<br /> <br /> Réaliser la spiritualité de l ' homme est une autre partie du "morituri te salutant" ,<br /> <br /> Pourquoi?<br /> <br /> Parce que le message est muré par le mot "mourir pour savoir".<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> La vision de magie en peinture est un vaste champ , un puits sans fond, dans le magma - complexe humain.<br /> <br /> Picasso a été le peintre du 20e siècle le plus paralysé par le monde del ' 'église catholique . Pendant la réalisation de la fameuse toile ,"les de­moiselles d'Avi­gnon", moment ou il a été touché par la grâce ,ce fut un électro­choc qui le percuta! la magie noire d' un bordel ! diablerie de la cruauté.<br /> <br /> On ne peut parler que de grâce virtuelle du peintre au moment où il tient son pinceau , sa spatule ,agitant et agité par la plus nomade des puissances de la pensée .<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> J'entends deux grains de riz qui ont l 'unique opportunité de leur vie de correspondre sur le territoire chinois:c 'est à peu près comme ça que je me situe dans la blogosphere:<br /> <br /> -" c'est Picasso qui te parle ,<br /> <br /> -" Me damner la vie pour agiter le monde en étant sa face damnée a été le mobile de ma vie"......<br /> <br /> Per tutti e per tutta"la magia della futilità della vita ,