15 juin 2012
Buckle. Gold, L 9.4cm. 1st century. Nangnang Commandery, Seogam-ri Tomb No.9, Korea. National Treasure No. 89
Buckle. Gold, L 9.4cm. 1st century. Nangnang Commandery, Seogam-ri Tomb No.9, Korea. National Treasure No. 89
This artifact is a pure gold buckle of a belt. Hundreds small golden bits are pasted to the thin gold plate and its rim is decorated with gold yarns. 53.6g gold was used to create this buckle. In the center a huge dragon is described. Around it six small dragons are crowded.
The body of a dragon is depicted with relatively thick golden bits and its nose is exaggerated. Originally there used to be 41 pieces of small and blue jewels between big and small dragons, but now only 7 pieces are left.