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31 mai 2011

Bijoux "Crocodile", "Cobra", "Dragon" & "Protomée d'éléphant"

Bijoux "Crocodile", "Cobra", "Dragon" & "Protomée d'éléphant"
Important bracelet rigide ouvrant en argent noirci ciselé et partiellement vermeillé. Photo Thierry De Maigret figurant un crocodile, le corps pavé de grenats verts, la gueule enserrant une citrine ronde facettée. Poids brut: 132.80 g. Diam: 5.5 cm. Long:...
31 mai 2011

An inscribed ruby-red glass snuff bottle ('Extended Refinement'), Treasury 5, no. 751. Wanya xuan mark, 1700–1770

An inscribed ruby-red glass snuff bottle ('Extended Refinement'), Treasury 5, no. 751. Wanya xuan mark, 1700–1770
An inscribed ruby-red glass snuff bottle ('Extended Refinement'), Treasury 5, no. 751. Wanya xuan mark, 1700–1770. Photo Bonhams Transparent ruby-red glass with a few air bubbles of different sizes, some of oval form, and gold pigment; with a concave...
31 mai 2011

Parure "Serpent" en argent noirci martelé et vermeil

Parure "Serpent" en argent noirci martelé et vermeil
Elégant collier torque rigide. Photo Thierry De Maigret ouvrant en argent noirci martelé et vermeil, figurant un serpent au corps ponctué de cabochons de rubis dans un pavage de pierres précieuses et fines, la gueule retenant en pampille une perle de...
31 mai 2011

A yellow glass 'kui dragons' snuff bottle ('Imperial Show Stopper'). Treasury 5, no. 828. Imperial glassworks, Beijing 1736–1770

A yellow glass 'kui dragons' snuff bottle ('Imperial Show Stopper'). Treasury 5, no. 828. Imperial glassworks, Beijing 1736–1770
A yellow glass 'kui dragons' snuff bottle ('Imperial Show Stopper'). Treasury 5, no. 828. Imperial glassworks, Beijing, 1736–1770. Photo Bonhams bubbles; with a flat lip and recessed, slightly convex foot surrounded by a protruding, rounded footrim; carved...
31 mai 2011

Étonnante bague en argent doré et noirci, surmontée d'une tête de mort couronnée

Étonnante bague en argent doré et noirci, surmontée d'une tête de mort couronnée
Étonnante bague en argent doré et noirci, surmontée d'une tête de mort couronnée. Photo Thierry De Maigret habillée d'une améthyste ovale facettée, dans un décor végétal, l'ensemble pavé de pierres précieuses et fines. Poids brut: 32 g. TDD: 50.5. Estimation...
31 mai 2011

A sapphire-blue glass 'peaches' snuff bottle ('Imperial Peach'). Treasury 5, no. 839. Imperial glassworks, Beijing, 1730–1790

A sapphire-blue glass 'peaches' snuff bottle ('Imperial Peach'). Treasury 5, no. 839. Imperial glassworks, Beijing, 1730–1790
A sapphire-blue glass 'peaches' snuff bottle ('Imperial Peach'). Treasury 5, no. 839. Imperial glassworks, Beijing, 1730–1790. Photo Bonhams Transparent sapphire-blue glass with a few scattered small air bubbles, with a flat lip and flat foot; carved...
31 mai 2011

Cinq bijoux de Jean Vendome @ Thierry De Maigret

Cinq bijoux de Jean Vendome @ Thierry De Maigret
Jean Vendome. Paire de clips d'oreilles en or. Année: 2003. Photo Thierry De Maigret ornés de tranches de tourmaline et de 2 émeraudes en serti-clos sur feuille d'or froissé. Poinçon de maître. Pièce unique. Poids brut: 37.10 g. Dim: 5.5 x 3 cm. Bibliographie:...
31 mai 2011

Rhinoceros horn libation cups at Bonhams, 25 May 2011 to 26 May 2011

Rhinoceros horn libation cups at Bonhams, 25 May 2011 to 26 May 2011
Lot 458. A finely carved 'Ode to the Red Cliff' rhinoceros horn libation cup, Late Ming -early Qing dynasty; 17.5cm wide. Sold for HK$ 2,280,000 (€ 255,462) . Photo Bonhams Superbly carved in deep relief to depict a scene from 'Ode to the Red Cliff',...
31 mai 2011

An exceptional coloured diamond and diamond necklace

An exceptional coloured diamond and diamond necklace
An exceptional coloured diamond and diamond necklace. Designed as a line of twenty-eight graduated pear-shaped diamonds alternating with brilliant-cut pink diamonds, mounted in 18k white and rose gold, 39.6 cm long. Estimate Accompanied by twenty-six...
31 mai 2011

An important unmounted diamond.

An important unmounted diamond.
An important unmounted diamond. Photo: Christie's Images Ltd. 2011 An unmounted brilliant-cut diamond weighing 18.88 carats. Estimate HK$25,000,000 - HK$40,000,000 ($3,226,188 - $5,161,900) Accompanied by report no.513053566 dated 8 February 2011 from...
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