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12 novembre 2019

Dignitaire religieux, Chine, c. 18° siècle

Dignitaire religieux, Chine, c. 18° siècle
Lot 191. Dignitaire religieux, Chine, c. 18° siècle. Bois. H. 17 cm. Est: €1,800 - €2,500. © Cornette de Saint-Cyr Beau portrait de personnage assis sur un trône en position de méditation. On notera la grande finesse d’exécution, le traitement particulier...
12 novembre 2019

Immortel, Chine, c. 17° siècle

Immortel, Chine, c. 17° siècle
Lot 202. Immortel, Chine, c. 17° siècle. Ivoire. 27,5 cm. Est: 2 000 € - 4 000 € . © Cornette de Saint-Cyr Représentation classique d’un immortel debout suivant la forme courbe naturelle du matériau. Le sommet du crâne a été obturé. Vêtu d’un long manteau,...
10 novembre 2019

Divinité gardienne, Chine, c. 18° siècle

Divinité gardienne, Chine, c. 18° siècle
Lot 195. Divinité gardienne, Chine, c. 18° siècle. Bois. H. 68 cm. Estimate €8,000 - €12,000 € . © Cornette de Saint-Cyr Belle représentation dynamique d’une divinité en armure, la main droite relevée, la gauche en avant, ayant autrefois maintenu des...
10 novembre 2019

Deux personnages, Chine, Royaume de Chu, 4°-3° siècle BCE

Deux personnages, Chine, Royaume de Chu, 4°-3° siècle BCE
Lot 175. Deux personnages, Chine, Royaume de Chu, 4°-3° siècle BCE. Bois. H. 41 cm. Estimate €7,000 - €9,000 . © Cornette de Saint-Cyr Les deux personnages sont traditionnellement figurés debout, vêtus de longues robes ou manteaux, l’un les mains jointes...
5 novembre 2019

A rare and large gilt-lacquered wood figure of Wenchang, 17th century

 A rare and large gilt-lacquered wood figure of Wenchang, 17th century
Lot 23. A rare and large gilt-lacquered wood figure of Wenchang, 17th century; 90cm (35 1/2in) high. Estimate: £60,000 - 80,000 (€ 70,000 - 93,000) . Sold for £ 75,062 (€ 87,645). Photo: Bonhams. The God of Literature carved seated wearing a scholar's...
5 novembre 2019

A fine and rare white marble figure of a court lady, Late Tang Dynasty-Five Dynasties

 A fine and rare white marble figure of a court lady, Late Tang Dynasty-Five Dynasties
Lot 40. A fine and rare white marble figure of a court lady, Late Tang Dynasty-Five Dynasties ; 24cm (9 1/2in) high. Estimate: £60,000 - 100,000 (€ 70,000 - 120,000) . Unsold. Photo: Bonhams. Deftly carved standing in a languid pose, with full rounded...
23 septembre 2019

A Rare Sapphire and Diamond Brooch, 19th Century

A Rare Sapphire and Diamond Brooch, 19th Century
Lot 1696. A Rare 37.29 carats Burmese "Royal Blue" Sapphire and Diamond Brooch, 19th Century. Estimate 13,500,000 — 18,000,000 HKD (1,722,465 - 2,296,620 USD) . Courtesy Sotheby's. Set with a cushion-shaped sapphire weighing 37.29 carats, framed with...
21 septembre 2019

A rare Early Ming copper-red vase, yuhuchunping, Hongwu period (1368-1398)

A rare Early Ming copper-red vase, yuhuchunping, Hongwu period (1368-1398)
Lot 608. A rare Early Ming copper-red vase, yuhuchunping, Hongwu period (1368-1398); 13 in. (33 cm.) high. Estimate HKD 300,000 - HKD 500,000 . Price realised HKD 358,500. © Christie's Image Ltd 2002 The vase generously painted in copper-red of rich mushroom-pink...
30 août 2019

A painted wood figure of a seated monk, Song dynasty (960-1279)

A painted wood figure of a seated monk, Song dynasty (960-1279)
Lot 850. A painted wood figure of a seated monk, Song dynasty (960-1279); 9 ¾ in. (24.8 cm.) high. Estimate USD 6,000 - USD 8,000 . © Christie's Image Ltd 2019. Possibly representing the Tang dynasty monk, Sizhou Dasheng (the Grand Saint of Sizhou), the...
7 août 2019

A rare Ming bamboo root carving of Damo, Ming dynasty, 16th century

A rare Ming bamboo root carving of Damo, Ming dynasty, 16th century
Lot 3187. A rare Ming bamboo root carving of Damo, Ming dynasty, 16th century; 7 1/2 in. (19 cm.) wide. Estimate HKD 180,000 - HKD 220,000 . Price Realized HKD 200,000 . © Christie's Images Ltd 2010 The rounded figure of the immortal exquisitely carved...
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