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3 avril 2015

Palefrenier étranger, Chine, Dynastie des Tang (618 – 907), ca 7°siècle

Palefrenier étranger, Chine, Dynastie des Tang (618 – 907), ca 7°siècle
Palefrenier étranger, Chine, Dynastie des Tang (618 – 907), ca 7°siècle. Estimation : 15 000 € / 25 000 € . Photo Cornette de Saint-Cyr Terre cuite. H. 37 cm Grand et beau portrait d’étranger illustrant la diversité des peuples ayant circulé sur la route...
3 avril 2015

Personnage gavant une oie, Chine, Dynastie des Tang (618 – 907), ca première moitié du 8° siècle

Personnage gavant une oie, Chine, Dynastie des Tang (618 – 907), ca première moitié du 8° siècle
Personnage gavant une oie, Chine, Dynastie des Tang (618 – 907), ca première moitié du 8° siècle. Estimation : 18 000 € / 25 000 € . Photo Cornette de Saint-Cyr Terre cuite. H. 31,2 cm Rare représentation d’un personnage (peut-être une femme) agenouillé...
3 avril 2015

Homme à cheval, Chine, Dynastie des Tang (618 – 907), ca 7°siècle

Homme à cheval, Chine, Dynastie des Tang (618 – 907), ca 7°siècle
Homme à cheval, Chine, Dynastie des Tang (618 – 907), ca 7°siècle. Estimation : 18 000 € / 25 000 € . Photo Cornette de Saint-Cyr Terre cuite. H. 36,5 cm Représentation d’un cavalier moustachu, probablement un étranger, portant un bonnet noir, les mains...
3 avril 2015

Courtisan, Chine, Dynastie des Tang (618 – 907), ca 8°siècle

Courtisan, Chine, Dynastie des Tang (618 – 907), ca 8°siècle
Courtisan, Chine, Dynastie des Tang (618 – 907), ca 8°siècle. Estimation : 5 000 € / 8 000 € . Photo Cornette de Saint-Cyr Terre cuite. H. 45 cm Belle et importante figure masculine debout portant un classique costume ample rehaussé de pigments verts,...
3 avril 2015

A pair of natural pearl and diamond earrings

A pair of natural pearl and diamond earrings
A pair of natural pearl and diamond earrings. Estimate £6,000 - 8,000 (€8,200 - 11,000 ). Photo: Bonhams. The white and grey pearl drop, each measuring approximately 24 and 23mm in length, with single-cut diamond cap, suspended from a line of three similarly-cut...
3 avril 2015

A natural pearl and diamond necklace, circa 1925

A natural pearl and diamond necklace, circa 1925
A natural pearl and diamond necklace, circa 1925. Estimate £6,000 - 8,000 ( €8,200 - 11,000 ). Photo: Bonhams. The single row of 77 graduating pearls, measuring from 8.4 to 3.5mm, with an old brilliant and baguette-cut diamond geometric clasp, diamonds...
3 avril 2015

A pair of natural pearl and diamond earrings

A pair of natural pearl and diamond earrings
A pair of natural pearl and diamond earrings. Estimate £10,000 - 12,000 ( €14,000 - 16,000 ). Photo: Bonhams. Each bouton-shaped natural pearl, measuring 12.1 x 10.1mm and 12.0 x 9.0mm, set with an old brilliant-cut diamond surmount, earring length 1.5cm...
3 avril 2015

An art deco natural pearl and diamond pendant-necklace, circa 1920

An art deco natural pearl and diamond pendant-necklace, circa 1920
An art deco natural pearl and diamond pendant-necklace, circa 1920. Estimate £8,000 - 12,000 ( €11,000 - 16,000 ). Photo: Bonhams. The natural drop-shaped pearl, measuring 11.1 x 17.0mm, with single and rose-cut diamond surmount of geometric design, on...
3 avril 2015

A Belle Époque natural pearl, emerald and diamond lavallière, circa 1905

A Belle Époque natural pearl, emerald and diamond lavallière, circa 1905
A Belle Époque natural pearl, emerald and diamond lavallière, circa 1905. Estimate £20,000 - 30,000 ( €27,000 - 41,000 ). Photo: Bonhams. Suspending two cartouche-shaped single-cut diamond pendants of unequal length, one with a natural pearl and diamond...
3 avril 2015

A single-row natural pearl necklace

A single-row natural pearl necklace
A single-row natural pearl necklace. Estimate £20,000 - 30,000 ( €27,000 - 41,000 ). Photo: Bonhams. The graduated row of 69 natural pearls, measuring from 3.6 to 8.4mm, with an oval-shaped sapphire and rose-cut diamond clasp, length 46.0cm Accompanied...