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10 août 2013

Coronation suit, Red wool suit and Coat and waistcoat of Peter II


Coronation suit of Peter II, 1727, Museum no.TK-1935 © The Moscow Kremlin Museums


Red wool suit worn by Peter II, 1727-1730, Museum no.TK-2911 © The Moscow Kremlin Museums


Coat and waistcoat worn by Peter II, 1727–1730. Coat and waistcoat, France, 1727–1730. Silk velvet and silk taffeta with silver embroidery.Museum no. TK-1943 © The Moscow Kremlin Museums

In this ensemble the silk of the waistcoat and coat cuffs has faded considerably. It was once a vibrant pink, an elegant contrast to the deep blue velvet of the coat. Both garments are decorated in silver embroidery, worked separately then applied to the velvet and taffeta, rather than embroidered directly onto the coat and waistcoat.


Coat and waistcoat, France. About 1729. Coat: silk velvet, trimmed with gold lace. Waistcoat: silver brocade, trimmed with gold lace. Museum no. TK-2909 © The Moscow Kremlin Museums

This elegant coat and waistcoat demonstrate how closely the Russian court was following European fashion in the 1720s. The deep, curved cuff is the ‘boot-cuff’ sleeve that was in fashion from 1725 to 1735. The richness of the gold lace suggests that the ensemble was intended for Peter II’s wedding to Princess Ekaterina Dolgorukaya, but unfortunately Peter died of smallpox the morning of the ceremony, on 30 January 1730.
