'Insulae' by Claudia Corren
'Insulae'. Photo : Claudia Corrent
Claudia Corrent is an Italian photographer born in 1980 in Bolzano, graduated in Philosophy at Trento University, her interest for the photography begins after she starts taking courses. In 2007, she attends to Francesco Iodice’s course of « Visual urban photography » at Bolzano University’s Faculty of Design and Graphic Arts. Freelance photographer, Claudia Corrent exhibit at severals places in Italy, also her photos are used by renowned magazines : Vanity Fair, Courrier International et National Géography.
The photographer starts a reseach about the link between cultural identity and the territory. She choose the city of Venice as a topic, and to avoid stereotypes she selectes exclusively quiet areas far from tourist.
Portrait. Photo : Claudia Corrent
She composed the series named « Insulae », it means rental building. It caracterize a urbain form of habitation in the Antiquity, which is decompose in a particular way : at the ground floor and the first floor you could find shop and craftman, on the second lived the richer family. A small backwards in the history to understand the space and spirit of the city that Claudia Corrent shows in this serie. As a street photographer, Claudia Corrent walks into the Venetian lagoon with her Nikon D700. We feel this essence of realism through a simple shooting and the caressing light.
'Insulae'. Photo : Claudia Corrent
'Insulae'. Photo : Claudia Corrent
'Insulae'. Photo : Claudia Corrent
'Insulae'. Photo : Claudia Corrent
'Insulae'. Photo : Claudia Corrent
'Insulae'. Photo : Claudia Corrent
'Insulae'. Photo : Claudia Corrent
'Insulae'. Photo : Claudia Corrent
'Insulae'. Photo : Claudia Corrent
'Insulae'. Photo : Claudia Corrent
'Insulae'. Photo : Claudia Corrent
'Insulae'. Photo : Claudia Corrent
'Insulae'. Photo : Claudia Corrent
'Insulae'. Photo : Claudia Corrent