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23 avril 2023

Chinese Ceramics sold at Christie's New York, 23 March - 24 March 2023

A large glazed white ware cup, Sui-Early Tang dynasty, 6th-7th century



Lot 1001. A large glazed white ware cup, Sui-Early Tang dynasty, 6th-7th century; 4 7/8 in. (12.2 cm.) diamPrice realised USD 441,000 (Estimate USD 60,000 – USD 80,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

ProvenanceC. T. Loo, Inc., New York, 25 January 1951.
William B. Jaffe (1904-1972) and Evelyn Annenberg Jaffe Hall (1911-2005) Collection, New York, and thence by descent to the present owner.

NoteFine high-fired white wares of this type were made at both the Xing kilns in Hebei province and the Gongxian kilns in Henan. Similar cups dated to the Sui dynasty have been excavated at the site of the Xing kiln and are illustrated in Wenwu 1987:9, pp. 4-5, figs. 6 and 10-4. The present cup, however, is of unusually large size. One of comparable size (12.9 cm.) was sold at Christie's New York, The Falk Collection I, 21 September 2001, lot 10. See, also, the pair (12 cm. diam.) illustrated in the catalogue of the Charles B. Hoyt Collection Memorial Exhibition, 1952, p. 37, no. 142.

A glazed white ware jar, Tang dynasty (AD 618-907)



Lot 1002. A glazed white ware jar, Tang dynasty (AD 618-907); 7 1/4 in. (18th-.4 cm.) highPrice realised USD th6,300 (Estimate USD 6,000 – USD 8,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

ProvenanceJ. T. Tai & Co., Inc., New York, 8 March 1966.
William B. Jaffe (1904-1972) and Evelyn Annenberg Jaffe Hall (1911-2005) Collection, New York, and thence by descent to the present owner.

NoteTang jars and covers of this type were made in various sizes and often with a monochrome glaze. Other white ware examples with a clear glaze include a similar jar and cover of comparable size in the Victoria and Albert Museum, illustrated by M. Prodan, The Art of the T'ang Potter, 1961, pl. 100 and another example of larger size (24.2 cm. high) illustrated in Early Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, Eskenazi, London, 1974, pl. 14. A jar of this type with a cover (21.7 cm. high), as well as four jars without covers, of varying sizes (14.3 to 25.5 cm. high), are illustrated in Mayuyama, Seventy Years, vol. 1, Tokyo, 1976, p. 97, pl. 261 and p. 83, pls. 219-22.

A rare small glazed white ware lion-handled ewer, Tang dynasty, 9th-10th century




Lot 1003. A rare small glazed white ware lion-handled ewer, Tang dynasty, 9th-10th century; 3 1/4 in. (8.3 cm.) highPrice realised USD 18,900 (Estimate USD 4,000 – USD 6,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

ProvenanceChristie's New York, 2 December 1986, lot 132

NoteCompare the similar but smaller (7.9 in.) example from the Yangdetang Collection, sold at Christie's Hong Kong, 6 October 2015, lot 80.

A small glazed white porcelain shallow bowl on 'bi-disc' foot, Late Tang dynasty-Five Dynasties period, 9th-10th century



Lot 1004. small glazed white porcelain shallow bowl on 'bi-disc' foot, Late Tang dynasty-Five Dynasties period, 9th-10th century; 5 1/4 in. (13.4 cm.) diam. Price realised USD 6,930 (Estimate USD 6,000 – USD 8,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

ProvenancePaul Toller Collection, United Kingdom, by 1971.
Ralph M. Chait, New York.

LiteratureOriental Ceramic Society, The Ceramic Art of China, London, 1971, no. 55.

Exhibited: London, Victoria and Albert Museum, Jubilee Show of the Oriental Ceramic Society: The Ceramic Art of China, 1971.





Lot 1005. A glazed white porcelain foliate cup stand and a Yaozhou celadon foliate cup stand, Five Dynasties-Northern Song dynasty, 9th-10th century; 14.5 cm diam. Price realised USD 5,670 (Estimate USD 5,000 – USD 7,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

ProvenanceWilliam B. Jaffe (1904-1972) and Evelyn Annenberg Jaffe Hall (1911-2005) Collection, New York, before 1961, and thence by descent to the present owner.


A rare Yaozhou celadon foliate deep bowl, Five Dynasties period (AD 907-960)




Lot 1007. A rare Yaozhou celadon foliate deep bowl, Five Dynasties period (AD 907-960); 15 cm diam. Price realised USD 5,040 (Estimate USD 6,000 – USD 8,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

ProvenanceMathias Komor, New York, 20 October 1949.
William B. Jaffe (1904-1972) and Evelyn Annenberg Jaffe Hall (1911-2005) Collection, New York, and thence by descent to the present owner.

ExhibitedNew York, China House, An Exhibition of Chinese Art of the Sung and Yuan Dynasties, 21 May-12 June 1950.

A rare brown-glazed foliate-rimmed vase, Northern Song-Jin dynasty, 11th-12th century


Lot 1008. rare brown-glazed foliate-rimmed vase, Northern Song-Jin dynasty, 11th-12th century; 20.8 cm high. Price realised USD 5,670 (Estimate USD 6,000 – USD 8,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

ProvenanceFrank Caro (1904-1980), New York, 4 March 1966.
William B. Jaffe (1904-1972) and Evelyn Annenberg Jaffe Hall (1911-2005) Collection, New York, and thence by descent to the present owner.





Lot 1009. very rare sancai-glazed pottery figure of a seated lady holding a bird, Tang dynasty (618-907); 31.8 cm high. Price realised USD 75,600(Estimate USD 60,000 – USD 80,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

ProvenanceTonying & Company, Inc., New York, 11 May 1963.
Arthur M. Sackler (1913-1987) Collections.
Else Sackler (1913-2000), and thence by descent.

Note: This charming figure is shown in an intimate moment of repose, seated with one leg pendent and the other bent, with one shoe discarded on the ground and gaze focused on the bird in her left hand. Her hair is swept up into an elaborate coiffure and she wears an elegant gown with a high waist, low-cut neckline, and relief-decorated with florets, a textile motif that was popular during the Tang dynasty. The hourglass-shaped stool on which she is seated is patterned on rattan models from South Asia, further emphasizing the imperial expansion and cosmopolitan nature of the Tang. A figure with both arms raised and seated in a similar pose is published in Zhongguo gu dai tao su yi shu (Chinese Ancient Ceramic Sculpture and Art), Beijing, 1957, no. 67. Another figure seated on a waisted stool and holding a bird was sold in The Hardy Collection of Early Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art from the Sze Yuan Tang, Christie’s New York, 21 September 1995, lot 77.

The result of Oxford Authentication Ltd. thermoluminescence test no. 366t37 is consistent with the dating of this lot.

A Yue celadon foliate dish, Five Dynasties period (907-960)



Lot 1010. A Yue celadon foliate dish, Five Dynasties period (907-960); 14 cm diam., cloth box. Price realised USD 5,670 (Estimate USD 6,000 – USD 8,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

Provenance: William B. Jaffe (1904-1972) and Evelyn Annenberg Jaffe Hall (1911-2005) Collection, New York, and thence by descent to the present owner.

A very rare Yue celadon pouring vessel, Late Six Dynasties-Sui dynasty, 6th century



Lot 1011. A very rare Yue celadon pouring vessel, Late Six Dynasties-Sui dynasty, 6th century11.5 cm wide. Price realised USD 8,820  (Estimate USD 8,000 – USD 12,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

ProvenanceRudolph Schaeffer (1886-1988) Collection, San Francisco.
The Rudolph Schaeffer Collection; Christie's New York, 6 June 1985, lot 186.

A carved Ding 'Fish' bowl, Northern Song dynasty (960-1127)


Lot 1013. A carved Ding 'Fish' bowl, Northern Song dynasty (960-1127)17 cm diam, cloth box. Price realised USD 81,900 (Estimate USD 6,000 – USD 8,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

ProvenanceC. T. Loo, Inc., New York, 25 January 1951.
William B. Jaffe (1904-1972) and Evelyn Annenberg Jaffe Hall (1911-2005) Collection, New York, and thence by descent to the present owner.

A rare cut-glazed Cizhou 'lotus' meiping, Jin dynasty (1115-1234), possibly Xixia Kingdom, 12th-early 13th century



Lot 1016. A rare cut-glazed Cizhou 'lotus' meiping, Jin dynasty (1115-1234), possibly Xixia Kingdom, 12th-early 13th century38.1 cm high, Japanese double wood box inscribed by Kushi Takuma (1898-1973). Price realised USD 35,280 (Estimate USD 30,000 – USD 50,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

ProvenancePrivate Collection, Osaka, 1950s.




Lot 1017. rare Cizhou sgraffiato 'phoenix' pillow, Northern Song dynasty, 11th-12th century; 26.4 cm across, Japanese wood box. Price realised USD 81,900 (Estimate USD 30,000 – USD 40,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

The base with an inscription in black ink, with one character reading Zhang, probably a family name.

Provenance: Fujii Eikan Bunko Collection, Fujii Takaaki (1913 - 1983), according to label on box.

A rare carved QIngbai 'duck' bowl, Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279)




Lot 1019. rare carved Qingbai 'duck' bowl, Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279); 16.8 cm diam., Japanese wood box. Price realised USD 3,528 (Estimate USD 3,000 – USD 5,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

ProvenanceFujii Takaaki (1913 - 1983), Fujii Eikan Bunko Collection, according to the label on wood box.

ExhibitedOn loan: Kyoto National Museum, 2 August 1996.

An unusual carved and molded Yaozhou celadon tripod censer, Northern Song-Jin dynasty, 12th century;



Lot 1020. An unusual carved and molded Yaozhou celadon tripod censer, Northern Song-Jin dynasty, 12th century; 15.5 cm high, Japanese wood box. Price realised USD 115,920 (Estimate USD 25,000 – USD 35,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

Note: Compare a Yaozhou celadon censer of slightly smaller size (13.8 cm. high) dated Song-Jin dynasty, 12th century, with similar floral scroll on the body, a band of key-fret below the rim, and animal-form feet, in the Ise collection, illustrated in The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka, ed., The Enchanting Chinese Ceramics from the Ise Collection, Osaka, 2017, pp. 92-93, no. 29.

A green Jun bowl, Northern Song dynasty (960-1127)




Lot 1021. green Jun bowl, Northern Song dynasty (960-1127); 9.2 cm diam., Japanese wood box. Price realised USD 25,200 (Estimate USD 7,000 – USD 9,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023




Lot 1022. rare Jun vase on integral stand, Jin-Yuan dynasty (1115-1368)17.8 cm high., Japanese wood box. Price realised USD 40,320 (Estimate USD 8,000 – USD 10,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

ProvenanceF. Schiller Collection, Betchworth Surrey, England.
Tonying & Company, Inc., New York, 27 September 1949.
William B. Jaffe (1904-1972) and Evelyn Annenberg Jaffe Hall (1911-2005) Collection, New York, and thence by descent to the present owner.

A Jun purple and blue-glazed jar, Yuan dynasty (1279-1368)


Lot 1023. Jun purple and blue-glazed jar, Yuan dynasty (1279-1368); 16 cm diam., Japanese wood box. Price realised USD 40,320 (Estimate USD 8,000 – USD 10,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

ProvenanceMr. and Mrs. Alfred Clark Collection, United Kingdom, no. AIC 716.
Sotheby's London, 25 March 1975, lot 95.
Sotheby's London, 11 December 1979, lot 227.
Bonhams London, 7 November 2013, lot 11.

Literature: The Oriental Ceramic Society, Exhibition of Sung Dynasty Wares: Chun and Brown Glazes, London, 1952, cat. no. 151.

Exhibited: London, Exhibition of Chinese Art for Chinese Medical Relief, 1938.
London, The Oriental Ceramic Society, Exhibition of Sung Dynasty Wares: Chun and Brown Glazes, 1st-3rd May 1952.

Note: In the Song period, Jun wares from Yuxian, Henan province with areas of contrasting copper-red were widely admired. Much emphasis was unsurprisingly placed on the quality of the thick, opalescent glaze. The most important characteristic of Jun glaze is the phenomenon known as 'liquid phase separation' which is the formulation of tiny globules of lime-rich glass within the silica-rich glaze matrix, effecting the passage of light in such a way as to produce an attractive blue effect. Jun ware production understandably required great skill and control of the glaze and the firing conditions. Such delicate balances perhaps encouraged a degree of experimentation as the effects of minute changes were observed and understood, leading to the development of new styles of Jun decoration.

This jar is very unusual for its almost entirely reddish-purple surface. See a jar of similar shape dated to the Yuan dynasty illustrated in A Panorama of Ceramics in the Collection of the National Palace Museum: Chün Ware, Taipei, 1999, no. 104. Under the Qianlong reign, the famous Imperial ceramics supervisor, Tang Ying (1682-1756), sent a craftman to Yuxian to research into the glaze recipe of the Jun ware, and Jun ceramics with the same shape and glaze were created. See a Jun-type jar of related shape from the Qianlong period in the Zande Lou collection illustrated in Qing Imperial Monochromes: The Zande Lou Collection, Shanghai Museum, Beijing Museum, and Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005, pp. 118, no. 48.







Lot 1028. rare molded and carved Qingbai 'rabbit' ewer and cover, Yuan dynasty (1279-1368); 31.5 cm high, Japanese wood box. Price realised USD 176,400 (Estimate USD 60,000 – USD 80,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

Provenance: Yangdetang Collection (Dr. Yang Chün-hsiung), Taiwan.

Note: Ewers of this type have been dated to the first quarter of the fourteenth century. The combination of different motifs and decorative techniques such as incising, molding and sculpting, reflect a heightened pursuit of ornamentation popular during this period.

A related qingbai ewer decorated with phoenix in low relief on the body, but without a cover, is illustrated in Sekai toji zenshuLiao, Jin, Yuan, vol. 13, Tokyo, 1981, pl. 42. Also, compare a ewer with a stepped cover surmounted by a similarly sculpted lion, formerly in the Meiyintang Collection, sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 7 April 2011, lot 39.

A fragment of a dragon handle, similar to that on the present ewer, excavated from the Yuan remains at Luomaqiao, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, is illustrated in Ceramic Finds from Jingdezhen Kilns (10th-17th Century), Fung Ping Shan Museum, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1992, no. 116.

A carved Qingbai bowl, Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279)



Lot 1029. carved Qingbai bowl, Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279); 18.4 cm diam., cloth box. Price realised USD 3,780 (Estimate USD 4,000 – USD 6,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

ProvenanceWilliam B. Jaffe (1904-1972) and Evelyn Annenberg Jaffe Hall (1911-2005) Collection, New York, and thence by descent to the present owner.

A carved Qingbai 'boys' bowl, Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279)


Lot 1030. A carved Qingbai 'boys' bowl, Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279); 20 cm diam., cloth box. Price realised USD 8,190 (Estimate USD 5,000 – USD 7,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

ProvenanceWilliam B. Jaffe (1904-1972) and Evelyn Annenberg Jaffe Hall (1911-2005) Collection, New York, and thence by descent to the present owner.

A rare small carved Qingbai tixi-style meiping, Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279)

A rare small carved Qingbai tixi-style meiping, Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279)


Lot 1031. rare small carved Qingbai tixi-style meiping, Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279)19 cm high. Price realised USD 37,800 (Estimate USD 8,000 – USD 12,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

Provenance: Tonying & Company, Inc., New York, 21 December 1949.
William B. Jaffe (1904-1972) and Evelyn Annenberg Jaffe Hall (1911-2005) Collection, New York, and thence by descent to the present owner.

Note: The shape and decorations on qingbai wares were often fashioned after contemporaneous silver wares, and the current meiping is no exception. A silver meiping carved with ruyi-shaped scrolls, excavated in a Southern Song hoard in Sichuan, for example, was possibly an inspiration for the design of the current vase. The silver vase is illustrated in S. Kwan, 'Tixi wenyang fenqi chuyi', Proceedings of Conference on Ancient Chinese Lacquer, Hong Kong, 2012, p. 65, fig. 11.

A rare small biscuit-reserved Longquan celadon 'twin-fish' dish, Yuan dynasty (1279-1368)


Lot 1032. rare small biscuit-reserved Longquan celadon 'twin-fish' dish, Yuan dynasty (1279-1368)13.5 cm diam., cloth box. Price realised USD 13,860 (Estimate USD 12,000 – USD 18,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

ProvenanceFine Chinese Ceramics from the Scheinman Collection; Christie's New York, 23 March 1995, lot 88.

Literature: J. Kuo (ed.), Born of Earth and Fire: Chinese Ceramics from the Scheinman Collection, Baltimore, 1992, p. 80, no. 59.

Exhibited: Baltimore, The Baltimore Museum of Art, Born of Earth and Fire, Chinese Ceramics from the Scheinman Collection, 8 September-9 November 1992, no. 59.




Lot 1033. small Longquan celadon vase, Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279)15.8 cm high., Japanese wood box. Price realised USD 13,860 (Estimate USD 12,000 – USD 18,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

Provenance: Ryoichi Fujioka (1909-1991) Collection (according to inscription on box).

A large molded Longquan celadon 'lotus' jar and cover, Yuan dynasty (1279-1368)






Lot 1034. large molded Longquan celadon 'lotus' jar and cover, Yuan dynasty (1279-1368)32 cm wide, Japanese wood box. Price realised USD 32,760 (Estimate USD 30,000 – USD 50,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

The interior of the cover with an impressed character, Chen, possibly a family name.

Note: A similar Longquan celadon jar carved with lotus scroll above a border of upright lotus petals, was sold in Important Chinese Art from the Fujita Museum; Christie's New York, 15 March 2017, lot 502.




Lot 1037. large carved Longquan celadon 'wine' jar, Yuan dynasty (1279-1368); 34 cm wide, Japanese wood box. Price realised USD 10,080 (Estimate USD 10,000 – USD 20,000)© Christie's Images Ltd 2023

The jar is carved with four large cartouches enclosing the characters qing xiang mei jiu (beautiful wine of clear fragrance).

Note: The same inscription can be seen carved in relief in panels on a jar of this shape with cover illustrated by J. Ayers, The Baur Collection, Chinese Ceramics, vol. I, London, 1968, A 108. It is also on an ovoid jar illustrated by R. Krahl, Chinese Ceramics in the Topkapi Saray Museum, Istanbul, vol. I, London, 1986, p. 371, no. 537; and on a meiping in the Victoria and Albert Museum illustrated by R. Kerr (ed.), Chinese Art and Design: Art Objects in Ritual and Daily Life, New York, 1991, p. 167, no. 73, where the author notes, p. 164, the inscription may be a trademark.

Christie's. Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, New York, 23 March - 24 March 2023 
