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benvenuto cellini
25 septembre 2017

Spectacular exhibition devoted to the art of the second half of the 16th century opens at Palazzo Strozzi

Spectacular exhibition devoted to the art of the second half of the 16th century opens at Palazzo Strozzi
FLORENCE .- Palazzo Strozzi is hosting The Cinquecento in Florence, a spectacular exhibition devoted to the art of the second half of the 16th century in the city, bringing together works by such artists as Michelangelo, Andrea del Sarto, Rosso Fiorentino,...
23 janvier 2017

Kunstkammer Wien

Kunstkammer Wien
Salt Barrel (Saliera), Benvenuto Cellini ( 1540-1543, Paris). Gold, Email, Ebenholz, Elfenbein. H. 26,3 cm , L. 28,5 cm, B. 21,5 cm © Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum Krumauer Madonna, c. 1390-1400, Prague. Kalksandstein, polychromiert. H. 112 cm, B. 45...
29 octobre 2016

La collection du prince Félix Youssoupoff (1887-1967) et de son épouse, la princesse Irina de Russie à Drouot

La collection du prince Félix Youssoupoff (1887-1967) et de son épouse, la princesse Irina de Russie à Drouot
Le prince Félix Youssoupoff (1887-1967) et son épouse la princesse Irina de Russie (1895-1970), petite-fille du tsar Alexandre III et unique nièce du tsar Nicolas II. Photo Couteau Begarie. PARIS .- Le 4 novembre prochain sera dispersée à l’hôtel des...
29 juillet 2013

Benvenuto Cellini (1500-70), Satyr

Benvenuto Cellini (1500-70), Satyr
Benvenuto Cellini (1500-70), Satyr, c. 1545. Bronze, 57.0 x 19.0 x 10.5 cm. RCIN 94784. Royal Collection © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Little survives of the work completed by Benvenuto Cellini (1500-1571) during his sojourn at the court of Francis...
9 mai 2013

The Medici gem collectors of the Italian Renaissance come to Bowers Museum

The Medici gem collectors of the Italian Renaissance come to Bowers Museum
Florentine Manufacture, Vase with Cover Lapis lazuli, Gold, Enamels Florence, Museo degli Argenti. SANTA ANA, CA.- Gems of the Medici, an acclaimed international exhibition, highlights some of the oldest and most unique pieces of the Medici collections...
3 mars 2013

Kunstkammer opens after restoration with exhibition of treasures from the Habsburgs

Kunstkammer opens after restoration with exhibition of treasures from the Habsburgs
People visit the art-chamber (Kunstkammer Wien) of the art-historic museum (Kunsthistorisches Museum) on February 28, 2013 in Vienna on the eve of its reopening. The Kunstkammer Vienna – newly renovated and enhanced – is returning to the Kunsthistorisches...
5 août 2012

Benvenuto Cellini, Persée et la Méduse

Benvenuto Cellini, Persée et la Méduse
Benvenuto Cellini, Persée et la Méduse
12 juin 2012

D'après Benvenuto Cellini, Persée tenant à la main la tête de Méduse. Fin du XIXème siècle

D'après Benvenuto Cellini, Persée tenant à la main la tête de Méduse. Fin du XIXème siècle
D'après Benvenuto Cellini, Persée tenant à la main la tête de Méduse. Fin du XIXème siècle. Photo Rieunier & Associés Épreuve en bronze à patine brune. Haut. 95 cm. Lot 177. Estimation : 8 000 - 10 000 € D'après le modèle inauguré en 1554 sous la loggia...
4 octobre 2009

'Renaissance to Revolution: French Drawings' @ the National Gallery of Art

'Renaissance to Revolution: French Drawings' @ the National Gallery of Art
Pierre-Antoine Baudouin, The Honest Model, 1769 gouache with touches of graphite on vellum. Overall: 40.6 x 35.7 cm (16 x 14 1/16 in.) framed: 57 x 53.3 x 6 cm (22 7/16 x 21 x 2 3/8 in.) National Gallery of Art, Gift of Ian Woodner WASHINGTON, DC.- Some...
4 décembre 2008

"The Myth of Antiquity" @ Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

"The Myth of Antiquity" @ Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Benvenuto Cellini's Saliera VIENNA.- The protagonists of classical myths – heroes, mortals, gods and demi-gods – are deeply embedded in our collective memory and have lost nothing of their power to fascinate. Neither the invasion of the barbarians in...