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31 janvier 2025

Three-Color Cairene Mamluk Carpet with Central Octagon and Cartouche Border, Egyptian, Ottoman period, late 16th century

Three-Color Cairene Mamluk Carpet with Central Octagon and Cartouche Border, Egyptian, Ottoman period, late 16th century
Three-Color Cairene Mamluk Carpet with Central Octagon and Cartouche Border, Egyptian, Ottoman period, late 16th century. Wool, asymmetrical knot, open left, 195.6 × 129.5 cm. Saint Louis Art Museum, Gift of Nellie Ballard White, 299:1972. The composition...
5 janvier 2025

An Egyptian gold necklace with medallion of Medusa, Roman period, circa 3rd century A.D.

An Egyptian gold necklace with medallion of Medusa, Roman period, circa 3rd century A.D.
Lot 112. An Egyptian gold necklace with medallion of Medusa, Roman period, circa 3rd century A.D. ; medallion 6.4 cm diam. Price Realised GBP 20,160 ( Estimate USD 10,000 - USD 15,000). © Christie's Images Ltd 2024 Provenance: Antiquities , Sotheby's,...
18 mars 2023

Egyptian Sarcophagus Cover, Late Dynastic Period-early Ptolemaic Period, c.350-300 BC

Egyptian Sarcophagus Cover, Late Dynastic Period-early Ptolemaic Period, c.350-300 BC
Egyptian Sarcophagus Cover, Late Dynastic Period-early Ptolemaic Period, c.350-300 BC. Limestone, H. 57.5 cm (22.6 in.). Courtesy CHARLES EDE at TEFAF Maastrich 2023 Provenance: Private collection, Bochum, Germany; acquired prior to WWII, thence by descent....
9 novembre 2022

Discover the natural wonders of the world & its ancient civilizations: Hindman to present a cabinet of curiosities

Discover the natural wonders of the world & its ancient civilizations: Hindman to present a cabinet of curiosities
Courtesy Hindman. CHICAGO, IL .- Step into a cabinet of curiosities this November 10th with Hindman ’s Ancient Art & Natural History: A Cabinet of Curiosities auction. Highlighting the auction is a rare and completely preserved iridescent ammonite fossil...
6 octobre 2020

An Egyptian gold snake bracelet, Ptolemaic to Roman period, circa 2nd century B.C.-1st century A.D

An Egyptian gold snake bracelet, Ptolemaic to Roman period, circa 2nd century B.C.-1st century A.D
Lot 85. An Egyptian gold snake bracelet, Ptolemaic to Roman period, circa 2nd century B.C.-1st century A.D.; 1 7/8 in. (4.7 cm.) diameter . Estimate USD 8,000 - USD 12,000 . © Christie's Image Ltd 2020. Provenance: Maurice Bouvier (1901-1981), Alexandria...
23 janvier 2020

GÜNTER PUHZE GMBH, Stand 133a at BRAFA, 26 janvier-2 février 2020

GÜNTER PUHZE GMBH, Stand 133a at BRAFA, 26 janvier-2 février 2020
Portrait head of a priest, Egyptian, Late Period, 30th Dynasty. Hard black stone. H 7.8 cm. © Galerie Günter Puhze GMBH. Provenance: private collection of Dr. H. B., Germany, acquired in 1998 from Galerie Günter Puhze, private collection, The Netherlands;...
6 décembre 2019

An Egyptian carnelian and agate bead and amuletic necklace, Third Intermediate Period, 21st-22nd dynasty, circa 1069-664 B.C.

An Egyptian carnelian and agate bead and amuletic necklace, Third Intermediate Period, 21st-22nd dynasty, circa 1069-664 B.C.
Lot 406. An Egyptian carnelian and agate bead and amuletic necklace, Third Intermediate Period, 21st-22nd dynasty, circa 1069-664 B.C. Estimate GBP 30,000 - GBP 50,000. Price realised GBP 43,750. © Christie's Images Ltd 2019. Largest pendant: 1 ¼ in....
1 août 2019

Exhibition of Globe-spanning Art Celebrates the Collecting Eye of Curator and Scholar Gillett Griffin

Exhibition of Globe-spanning Art Celebrates the Collecting Eye of Curator and Scholar Gillett Griffin
Xochipala, Guerrero, Mexico, Standing woman, 400 B.C.–500 A.D. Ceramic with red pigment. Princeton University Art Museum. Bequest of Gillett G. Griffin. John Bigelow Taylor Photography. PRINCETON, N.J. – Gillett G. Griffin (1928-2016) was not only a respected...
4 juin 2019

Egyptian head with features of Tutankhamen to be offered at Christie's

Egyptian head with features of Tutankhamen to be offered at Christie's
An Egyptian brown quartzite head of Tutankhamen as the God Amen. Estimate on request. © Christie's Images Ltd 2019. LONDON .- An Egyptian brown quartzite head of Tutankhamen as the God Amen, its features reminiscent of the Pharaoh Tutankhamen, a device...
22 avril 2019

Artcurial to sell the Bouvier collections during its auction dedicated to Archaeology and Oriental Arts

Artcurial to sell the Bouvier collections during its auction dedicated to Archaeology and Oriental Arts
Lot 168. An Egyptian wooden and bronze Hathor head, Third Intermediate Period, 21st-22nd Dynasty, circa 1069-715 B.C. Tête d’Hathor en bois et bronze, Égypte, 3e période intermédiaire, XXIe-XXIIe dynastie, vers 1069-715 Av.J.C. Applique en bois en forme...
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