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30 octobre 2018

Exhibition traces the emergence and influence of the nude in Renaissance art

Exhibition traces the emergence and influence of the nude in Renaissance art
Allegory of Fortune, about 1530, Dosso Dossi (Giovanni di Niccolò de Lutero), oil on canvas. The J. Paul Getty Museum. LOS ANGELES, CA .- Drawing inspiration from classical sculpture and the study of the live model, Renaissance artists made the nude central...
4 octobre 2009

"From Dürer to Gober, 101 Master Drawings" @ Kunstmuseum, Museum für Gegenwartskunst

"From Dürer to Gober, 101 Master Drawings" @ Kunstmuseum, Museum für Gegenwartskunst
Ambrosius Holbein, Bildnis eines jungen Mannes, 1517. Kunstmuseum Basel, Kupferstichkabinett. Inv. 1662.207a. Foto: Kunstmuseum Basel, Martin P. Bühler BASEL.- Covering a span of time from 1400 to the present, with approximately 60,000 drawings as well...