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14 août 2024

Standing Four-Armed Vishnu, Vietnam (Mekong Delta area), pre-Angkor period, second half of the 7th century

Standing Four-Armed Vishnu, Vietnam (Mekong Delta area), pre-Angkor period, second half of the 7th century
Standing Four-Armed Vishnu, Vietnam (Mekong Delta area), pre-Angkor period, second half of the 7th century. Stone. H. 96.5 cm; W. 43.2 cm. Purchase, Lita Annenberg Hazen Charitable Trust Gift, 1992, 1992.53. © 2000–2024 The Metropolitan Museum of Art....
7 septembre 2023

McMullen Museum of Art at Boston College presents 'Gateway to Himalayan Art'

McMullen Museum of Art at Boston College presents 'Gateway to Himalayan Art'
"Mandala of Chakrasamvara"; Tibet; 14th–15th century; pigments on cloth. Rubin Museum of Art, gift of Shelley and Donald Rubin; C2006.66.138 (HAR 97). CHESTNUT HILL, MA .- The McMullen Museum of Art at Boston College presents Gateway to Himalayan Art,...
4 février 2021


Stele of Vishnu, West India, Rajasthan region, 12th century. Dark grey hard stone. H 79 cm. GRUSENMEYER - WOLINER at BRAFA 2021. Photo credit: Studio Asselberghs-Frédéric Dehaen Provenance: Spanish collection, acquired by the father on 30 September 1969,...
11 novembre 2019

Vishnu, Népal, c. 17°-18°siècle

Vishnu, Népal, c. 17°-18°siècle
Lot 150. Vishnu, Népal, c. 17°-18°siècle. Cristal de roche. H. 21,5 cm. Estimate €4,000 - €8,000. © Cornette de Saint-Cyr L’immanent est représenté debout, brandissant la massue, la roue, la conque et le lotus dans ses quatre mains. Provenance : - Ancienne...
20 mai 2019

A parcel-gilt-bronze figure of Vishnu seated on Garuda, Qianlong seven-character mark in a horizontal line and of the period

A parcel-gilt-bronze figure of Vishnu seated on Garuda, Qianlong seven-character mark in a horizontal line and of the period
Lot 267. A parcel-gilt-bronze figure of Vishnu seated on Garuda, Qianlong seven-character mark in a horizontal line and of the period (1736-1795); 9 ¼ in. (23.5 cm.) high. Estimate GBP 30,000 - GBP 50,000. Price realised GBP 37,500. © Christie's Images...
27 décembre 2018

'Avatars and Incarnations: Buddhist and Hindu Art from the Collection' at the Crow Collection of Asian Art

'Avatars and Incarnations: Buddhist and Hindu Art from the Collection' at the Crow Collection of Asian Art
Stele with Varaha, North India, Pala period (c. 730-1197), c. 11th century. Stone, likely phyllite or schist, 28 x 8.5 x 24 in., Crow Collection of Asian Art, 1982.52. © 2018 Crow Museum of Asian Art & Crow Family Foundation DALLAS, TX .- Avatars and...
10 octobre 2017

First Exhibition to Explore the Art of Five Major World Religions Includes One of the Earliest Depictions of Christ

First Exhibition to Explore the Art of Five Major World Religions Includes One of the Earliest Depictions of Christ
Footprints of the Buddha, Found at Amavarati, India, c.AD 100–300. Carved limestone, H 67.5 cm © Trustees of the British Museum The Ashmolean, Oxford, will stage the first major exhibition to explore the visual cultures of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism,...
23 juin 2017

"113 Ors d'Asie" au Musée Guimet

"113 Ors d'Asie" au Musée Guimet
113 Ors d'Asie : Affiche PARIS - Sur tout le continent asiatique, l’or tient une place centrale. Présent dans la symbolique bouddhique, le bouddhisme tantrique et, pour une moindre part, l’hindouisme et le jainisme, le lumineux métal ne pouvait que s’inscrire...
13 décembre 2016

The Raphy Star Collection sells for over $2 million and sets a new record

The Raphy Star Collection sells for over $2 million and sets a new record
A large Chinese wooden sculpture of a Luohan, Jin-Yuan Dynasty (13th-14th century) and the banknote found inside. Estimate: AUD$40,000-60,000. Sold for: AUD$47,120. Photo Mosgreen SYDNEY .- The Raphy Star Collection of Important Asian Art achieved a new...
19 février 2016

Dalton Somaré at Asia Week New York 2016

Dalton Somaré at Asia Week New York 2016
Silk Road (Turkmenistan-China), circa 6th-7th century. Distemper on stucco © Dalton Somaré Indra, Gupta Period, Mathura School, India, circa 5th-6th century. 40 cm. © Dalton Somaré Vajrasattva, Nepal, 15th century. Gilt bronze with silver inlay. Height:...
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