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21 janvier 2025

Amphora with Nike and Youth, Attributed to the Berlin Painter, Classical period

Amphora with Nike and Youth, Attributed to the Berlin Painter (Attic Greek, active 500–460 BCE), Classical period, 480–323 BCE. Red-figure ceramic, 36.5 x 21 x 20.3 cm. Saint Louis Art Museum, Museum Purchase, 57:1955.


The spotlight technique—the use of a single figure featured on either side of a vessel—takes advantage of the round form of this amphora. The viewer must look at both sides to understand the full story. Here, the goddess Nike, or Victory, flies through the air presenting a musical instrument called a cithara (a type of fancy, large concert lyre) to present to the young man standing on the other side. Taken together we can interpret this scene as a celebration of the youth’s victory at a musical competition. The spotlight technique was favored by this artist, called the Berlin Painter after the city in which his style was first identified. The Berlin Painter represents a high point of ancient painting due to the precise draftsmanship and fine attention to detail especially, in the ears and eyelashes.
