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23 janvier 2017

David Ghezelbash Archéologie. Stand 84c. Brafa Art Fair, 21-29 janvier 2017

David Ghezelbash Archéologie. Stand 84c. Brafa Art Fair, 21-29 janvier 2017
Head of a pharaoh wearing the Nemes with ram’s horns, Egypt, Ptolemaic period, circa 330-30 BC. Sculptor's mode.; White limestone. H 10 x W 10 x D 3 cm. Courtesy David Ghezelbash Archéologie Provenance: former private collection of Mr Bernard Daydé (1921-1986),...
23 janvier 2017

Galerie Jamar. Stand 65a. Brafa Art Fair, 21-29 janvier 2017

Galerie Jamar. Stand 65a. Brafa Art Fair, 21-29 janvier 2017
Jan Fabre (Antwerp, 1958), ‘One man's misfortune is another man's chocolate’, 2012. Jewel beetle wing-cases on wood, 227.5 x 173 cm. Courtesy Galerie Jamar Alechinsky (Brussels, 1928), ‘Duo de bassecour’, 1969. Acrylic on paper laid down on canvas, 64...
23 janvier 2017

Kunstkammer Wien

Kunstkammer Wien
Salt Barrel (Saliera), Benvenuto Cellini ( 1540-1543, Paris). Gold, Email, Ebenholz, Elfenbein. H. 26,3 cm , L. 28,5 cm, B. 21,5 cm © Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum Krumauer Madonna, c. 1390-1400, Prague. Kalksandstein, polychromiert. H. 112 cm, B. 45...
23 janvier 2017

SFMOMA presents "diane arbus: in the beginning" in the new Pritzker Center for Photography

SFMOMA presents "diane arbus: in the beginning" in the new Pritzker Center for Photography
Diane Arbus, Lady on a bus, N.Y.C., 1957; courtesy The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York / copyright © The Estate of Diane Arbus, LLC. All rights reserved/ SAN FRANCISCO, CA .- The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art presents the West Coast debut of...
22 janvier 2017

Mark Rothko, 1949's paintings

Mark Rothko, 1949's paintings
Mark Rothko, No.1, 1949, oil on canvas © Kate Rothko Prizel and Christopher Rothko/DACS 2016 Mark Rothko, Untitled 2, 1949, oil on canvas, 238.8 × 135.6 cm, Menil Collection © Kate Rothko Prizel and Christopher Rothko/DACS 2016 Mark Rothko, No.3/No.13...
22 janvier 2017

Philippe d’Arschot. Stand 42b. Brafa Art Fair, 21-29 janvier 2017

Philippe d’Arschot. Stand 42b. Brafa Art Fair, 21-29 janvier 2017
Coconut cup and cover. Silver mounted. Mechelen, 1602-1603. Silversmith: Thierry I van Eyck. H 27.5 cm. Courtesy Philippe d’Arschot. German wager cup depicting St Margaret of Antioch. Silver-gilt. Nuremberg, 1629. Silversmith: Georg Koler. H 14 cm. Courtesy...
22 janvier 2017

Honourable Silver Objects - Cabinet of Curiosities. Stand 122b. Brafa Art Fair, 21-29 janvier 2017

Honourable Silver Objects - Cabinet of Curiosities. Stand 122b. Brafa Art Fair, 21-29 janvier 2017
Gregory van der Toorn (The Hague, 1715- probably 1771), Dutch soup tureen. Silver. Weight: 2635 gr. H 27 x W 36.2 x D 22 cm. Courtesy Honourable Silver Objects - Cabinet of Curiosities Coat of arms of the family Van Lintelo tot Ehse found in the Heraldic...
22 janvier 2017

Galerie Bertrand de Lavergne. Stand 3c. Brafa Art Fair, 21-29 janvier 2017

Galerie Bertrand de Lavergne. Stand 3c. Brafa Art Fair, 21-29 janvier 2017
Chinese incense burner, Blue and white and copper-red porcelain on a celadon ground, China, Kangxi period (1662-1722). H 15.5 cm. Courtesy G alerie Bertrand de Lavergne Decorated in light relief with two deer and two cranes in a landscape. Pair of incense...
22 janvier 2017

Kunstberatung Zurich AG. Stand 9c. Brafa Art Fair, 21-29 janvier 2017

Kunstberatung Zurich AG. Stand 9c. Brafa Art Fair, 21-29 janvier 2017
Niccolo di Pietro Gerini (Florence, 1368-1415), probably pupil of Taddeo Gaddi (Florence, 1290-1366), Virgin and Child with the Saints John the Baptist, Dominic, Peter and Paul. Tempera on panel, gold ground, shaped top, 81.3 x 49.5 cm. Courtesy Kunstberatung...
22 janvier 2017

Galerie ‘Art et Patrimoine’ - Laurence Lenne. Stand 126b. Brafa Art Fair, 21-29 janvier 2017

Galerie ‘Art et Patrimoine’ - Laurence Lenne. Stand 126b. Brafa Art Fair, 21-29 janvier 2017
Pair of candle holders in the shape of angels with spread wings. A follower of Palissy (Agen 1510-1589/90 Paris), a painter, potter and scholar. Polychrome earthenware. Late 16th century. H 32 cm. Courtesy G alerie ‘Art et Patrimoine’ Comparable with...