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libation cup
12 janvier 2012

A fine carved rhinoceros horn libation cup, 17th century

A fine carved rhinoceros horn libation cup, 17th century
A fine carved rhinoceros horn libation cup, 17th century. Photo Bonhams Of irregular oval silhouette, intricately carved with a leiwen band bordering the interior and exterior rim that runs beneath and below four qilin climbing over from the exterior...
26 décembre 2011

A bamboo libation cup. Late Qing-Republic period

A bamboo libation cup. Late Qing-Republic period
A bamboo libation cup. Late Qing-Republic period. Photo Bonhams The thick sides of the irregularly cone-shaped vessel with auburn patina and reticulated in a continuous tableau of scholars and attendants in a garden landscape of pines and pagodas. 5 1/4in...
16 novembre 2011

An archaistic rhinoceros horn libation cup. 17th century

An archaistic rhinoceros horn  libation cup. 17th century
An archaistic rhinoceros horn libation cup. 17th century. Photo Christie's Image Ltd, 2011. The flared sides rising to an oval mouth and raised on a waisted foot, carved around the exterior with a band of taotie masks reserved on leiwen grounds below...
16 novembre 2011

A rare rhinoceros horn 'Hibiscus' libation cup, 17th century

A rare rhinoceros horn 'Hibiscus' libation cup, 17th century
A rare rhinoceros horn 'Hibiscus' libation cup, 17th century. Photo Christie's Image Ltd, 2011 Finely carved as a large hibiscus flower, detailed in relief with a small chilong beside the stamen to the centre of the interior, one side of the exterior...
16 novembre 2011

A rhinoceros horn archaistic libation cup, 17th centuryA rhinoceros horn archaistic libation cup, 17th century

A rhinoceros horn archaistic libation cup, 17th centuryA rhinoceros horn archaistic libation cup, 17th century
A rhinoceros horn archaistic libation cup, 17th century. Photo Christie's Image Ltd, 2011 Of flared form carved to the centre with a band of stylised phoenix detailed with long curled tail feathers, below a band of pendant blades enclosing cicadas, the...
16 novembre 2011

A finely carved archaistic rhinoceros horn libation cup. 17th century

A finely carved archaistic rhinoceros horn  libation cup. 17th century
A finely carved archaistic rhinoceros horn libation cup. 17th century. Photo Christie's Image Ltd, 2011 Of flared quatrefoil form rising from a tall slightly splayed foot encircled with a key-fret band, well-carved to the mid-section of each side with...
16 novembre 2011

A large rhinoceros horn libation cup. 17th century

A large rhinoceros horn libation cup. 17th century
A large rhinoceros horn libation cup. 17th century. Photo Christie's Image Ltd, 2011 Well carved in the interior and on the exterior as a large lotus leaf, the exterior with leafy flowering and fruiting branches of lychee, peach and sweet flag in relief,...
15 novembre 2011

A small rhinoceros horn libation cup. 17th-18th century

A small rhinoceros horn libation cup.  17th-18th century
A small rhinoceros horn libation cup. 17th-18th century. Photo Christie's Image Ltd, 2011 Carved in naturalistic form, the base with a stylised rockwork design below an elongated tapering tip, the horn of a deep toffee tone; 5 1/8 in. (13 cm.) high. Estimate...
15 novembre 2011

A rhinoceros horn 'Squirrels And Grapes' libation cup. 17th century

A rhinoceros horn 'Squirrels And Grapes' libation cup. 17th century
A rhinoceros horn 'Squirrels And Grapes' libation cup. 17th century. Photo Christie's Image Ltd, 2011 Finely carved as large overlapping leaves with tips folded over the rim, decorated to the exterior with a continuous scene of squirrels clambering amidst...
15 novembre 2011

A very rare rhinoceros horn libation cup, 17th century

A very rare rhinoceros horn libation cup, 17th century
A very rare rhinoceros horn libation cup, 17th century. Photo Christie's Image Ltd, 2011 Exquisitely carved around the exterior with a continuous scene from Xixiang ji, (The Romance of The Western Chamber), with two female figures dressed in long robes,...
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