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29 août 2024

Dutch Delft Blue and White sold at Sotheby's New York, 18 June 2024

Dutch Delft Blue and White sold at Sotheby's New York, 18 June 2024
Lot 1005. A Dutch Delft Blue and White Flower Vase and Cover, Circa 1686-1701; height 29.2 cm . Lot Sold 45,600 USD (Estimate 20,000 - 30,000 USD). © Sotheby's. of quatrefoil scalloped and barbed shape, affixed at either side with dragon or phoenix head...
11 mars 2024

Adriaen Kocx, Blue and White Pyramidal Flower Vase, Delft, Circa 1690

Adriaen Kocx, Blue and White Pyramidal Flower Vase, Delft, Circa 1690
Adriaen Kocx, Blue and White Pyramidal Flower Vase, Delft, Circa 1690. Earthenware. Height: 95 cm. Price: €300.000. ARONSON ANTIQUAIRS at TEFAF 2024. © 2024 TEFAF The pyramid-shaped flower vases that are still present today in museums and private collections...
11 janvier 2024

Teapot, Jacobus de Caluwe, 1710 - 1720, Delft

Teapot, Jacobus de Caluwe, 1710 - 1720, Delft
Teapot, Jacobus de Caluwe (maker), 1710 - 1720, Delft. Red stoneware with low-relief moulding. Chitra Collection, no1030. Photography by Karen Bengall © Chitra Collection. Red stoneware teapots, such as this example, were inspired by Chinese Yixing zisha...
23 novembre 2023

Red stoneware teapot with silver mounts, Ary de Milde, Delft, c. 1700

Red stoneware teapot with silver mounts, Ary de Milde, Delft, c. 1700
Red stoneware teapot with silver mounts, Ary de Milde, Delft, c. 1700. New Acquisition of The Art Institute of Chicago.
30 mai 2023

First ever Rothschild sales in North America taking place at Christie's Rockefeller Center in October

First ever Rothschild sales in North America taking place at Christie's Rockefeller Center in October
'Rothschild Masterpieces' at Christie’s New York. Exhibition View. © Christie’s Images Limited 2023 NEW YORK, NY .- Christie’s is proud to present Rothschild Masterpieces, taking place this fall. These will be the first-ever North American sales of objects...
24 février 2020

Aronson Antiquairs will present Black Delftware bowl rediscovered in the upcoming TEFAF Maastricht

Aronson Antiquairs will present Black Delftware bowl rediscovered in the upcoming TEFAF Maastricht
‘Black Delftware’ Reeded Small Bowl, Delft, circa 1705. © 2020 Aronson Antiquairs of Amsterdam. AMSTERDAM .- A fabulously rare Black Delftware bowl belonging to a group of only about 65 pieces globally will be on public view at TEFAF Maastricht for the...
7 octobre 2019

New online exhibition explores the unknown color palettes used to decorate 'Delft Blue'

New online exhibition explores the unknown color palettes used to decorate 'Delft Blue'
Since the early 1900’s modern ceramics produced in various Dutch and even German cities were popularly called ‘Delft Blue.’ These objects continued the successful tradition of seventeenth and eighteenth-century products from the city of Delft. Now you...
19 juillet 2019

World's largest private collection of Dutch delftware to Gemeentemuseum Den Haag

World's largest private collection of Dutch delftware to Gemeentemuseum Den Haag
Four large containers in the model of a lady, Delft, 1760-80, tin-glazed earthenware, height 49 cm, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag – The Lavino Collection. THE HAGUE .- Gemeentemuseum Den Haag is to receive one of the world’s largest and most important private...
12 juin 2019

Delft. Deux assiettes dans le style Imari, Début du XVIIIème siècle, vers 1725

Delft. Deux assiettes dans le style Imari, Début du XVIIIème siècle, vers 1725
Lot 1. Delft. Deux assiettes en faïence à décor bleu, rouge et or Delft doré dans le style Imari d'une femme et d'un enfant près d'un vase sur fond de pagodes et rochers. Marquées : PAK en rouge pour Pieter Adrian Kocks, manufacture de l'A grec. Début...
12 juin 2019

Delft. Grand plat rond en faïence à décor en camaïeu bleu et manganèse de Chinois dans le jardin d'un palais, XVIIème siècle

Delft. Grand plat rond en faïence à décor en camaïeu bleu et manganèse de Chinois dans le jardin d'un palais, XVIIème siècle
Lot 3. Delft. Grand plat rond en faïence à décor en camaïeu bleu et manganèse de Chinois dans le jardin d'un palais. Marqué :SVE, Fabrique de Samuel van Eenhorn, XVIIème siècle. D. 48 cm. Estimate: €3,000 - €5,000. Courtesy Pescheteau-Badin. Restauration...
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