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19 juillet 2019

A sancai-glazed pottery figure of a horse, Tang dynasty (AD 618-907)

A sancai-glazed pottery figure of a horse, Tang dynasty (AD 618-907)
Lot 3. A sancai-glazed pottery figure of a horse, Tang dynasty (AD 618-907); 20 1/8. in. (51.4 cm.) high. Estimate 10,000 - GBP 20,000. Price realised GBP 10,000. © Christie's Image Ltd 2017 The horse is powerfully modelled standing foursquare on a short...
19 juillet 2019

Rare bague en or et agate, Art sassanide, IVème - Vème siècle ap. J.-C.

Rare bague en or et agate, Art sassanide, IVème - Vème siècle ap. J.-C.
Lot 170. Rare bague en or et agate, Art sassanide, IVème - Vème siècle ap. J.-C. Est: €2,000 - €4,000. © HVMC Excellent état de conservation. L'intaille_ 1,8 cm. L’intaille ovale en forme de cabochon, en agate marron foncé avec la couche blanche sous-jacente,...
19 juillet 2019

Bague Sassanide avec intaille, Art sassanide, IVème - Vème siècle ap. J.-C.

Bague Sassanide avec intaille, Art sassanide, IVème - Vème siècle ap. J.-C.
Lot 171. Bague Sassanide avec intaille, Art sassanide, IVème - Vème siècle ap. J.-C. Or et grenat. Est: €2,000 - €4,000. © HVMC Excellent état de conservation. L(intaille)_ 1,4 cm. L'intaille en grenat, de forme ovale, représente le torse d'un personnage...
19 juillet 2019

A bronze openwork brazier, Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)

A bronze openwork brazier, Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)
Lot 170. A bronze openwork brazier, Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD); 9 ½ in. (24.1 cm.) long. Estimate GBP 4,000 - GBP 6,000. Price realised GBP 9,375. © Christie's Image Ltd 2017 The upper, oval section has openwork sides cast with the animals of the Four...
19 juillet 2019

An archaic bronze brazier, Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)

An archaic bronze brazier, Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)
Lot 70. An archaic bronze brazier, Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD). Length 10 1/4 in., 26 cm. Estimate 6,000 — 8,000 USD. Lot sold 11,875 USD. © Sotheby's the openwork sides of oval section case with the animals of the four cardinal directions, the longer...
19 juillet 2019

A gilt-bronze chilong-form weight, Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)

A gilt-bronze chilong-form weight, Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)
Lot 67. A gilt-bronze chilong-form weight, Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD). Diameter 2 3/4 in., 7 cm. Estimate 10,000 — 15,000 USD. Lot sold 25,000 USD. © Sotheby's crisply cast in high, pierced relief of a coiled, winged mythological beast, its bifurcated...
19 juillet 2019

Statuette d'ibex, Art des steppes, Vème - IVème siècle av. J.-C.

Statuette d'ibex, Art des steppes, Vème - IVème siècle av. J.-C.
Lot 148. Statuette d'ibex, Art des steppes, Vème - IVème siècle av. J.-C. Jadéite. H_ 3,5 cm, L_ 5,5 cm. Est: €3,500 - €4,000 . © HVMC Figurant allongé, les cornes annelées et largement développées. Les yeux, le museau et la bouche finement incisés. Provenance...
19 juillet 2019

Rare tête masculine, Egypte, Basse-Epoque (664 - 332 av. J.-C.)

Rare tête masculine, Egypte, Basse-Epoque (664 - 332 av. J.-C.)
Lot 51. Rare tête masculine, Egypte, Basse-Epoque (664 - 332 av. J.-C.). Porphyre rouge. H_ 15 cm. Est: €20,000 - €30,000. © HVMC Usures de surface. Manque au nez et à la partie arrière gauche du crâne. L'homme possède un visage jeune, imberbe, le crâne...
19 juillet 2019

An archaic bronze vessel and cover, You, Western Zhou Dynasty, 11th-10th century BC

An archaic bronze vessel and cover, You, Western Zhou Dynasty, 11th-10th century BC
Lot 60. An archaic bronze vessel and cover, You, Western Zhou Dynasty, 11th-10th century BC. Height 13 1/2 in., 34.3 cm. Estimate 50,000 — 70,000 USD. Lot sold 60,000 USD. © Sotheby's the pear-shaped body, eliptical in cross section, with a domed cover...
19 juillet 2019

An archaic bronze ritual food vessel, Yu, late Shang dynasty, 13th-11th century BC

An archaic bronze ritual food vessel, Yu, late Shang dynasty, 13th-11th century BC
Lot 59. An archaic bronze ritual food vessel, Yu, late Shang dynasty, 13th-11th century BC. Height 6 1/4 in., 15.9 cm; Diameter 9 3/4 in., 24.8 cm. Estimate 60,000 — 80,000 USD. Lot sold 75,000 USD. © Sotheby's the deep rounded body with an everted rim...